Attendance to the Quarterly Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment-Program Implementation Review (MEA-PIR) |  |
Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 679, S. 2024 Re: Schedule of School Visit for the Special Hardship Allowance (SHA) |  |
Conduct of Geological Site Scoping (GSS) |  |
Attendance to the Division Management (ManCom) Meeting |  |
Attendance to the Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners, Region XI, Inc. 8th Regional Conference |  |
Attendance to the Workshop on Induction Program for Beginning Teachers (IPBT) Phase I |  |
Attendance to the CCHRMP Synergy Enhancement Activity |  |
1st Quarter Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment-Program Implementation Review (MEA-PIR) for FY 2024 |  |
Attendance to the ComVal Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners Meeting |  |
Attendance to the Comval Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners Meeting |  |
Regional Year-End Assessment for Calendar Year 2023 on the Different Programs, Projects and Activities of Alternative Learning System |  |
Conduct of Policy Review and Consultative Planning Workshop for Nutrition Support Program |  |
Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week |  |
Special Conference |  |
Special Conference |  |
49th PICE National Convention and Technical Conference |  |
Attendance to Red Orchid Award Validation for FY 2021-2022 |  |
Attendance to the CHRMP Regional Conference Working Committee Meeting |  |
Share of MOOE Allocation for Operation of Extension Schools from the Mother Schools |  |
Payment for Documentary Stamp for Geohazard Certification |  |
Implementation of Temporary Blended Learning at Mt. Diwata Elementary School, Barangay Mt. Diwata, Monkayo |  |
Attendance to the Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners, Region XI, Inc. 7th Regional Conference |  |
Evaluation of Pertinent Papers of Qualified Applicants |  |
Attendance to the Comval Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners Meeting |  |
Conduct of Ocular Inspection in New Visayas National High School, New Visayas, Maco, Davao de Oro |  |
Orientation on National Achievement Test (NAT) Grade 10 and National Learning Camp (NLC) Assessment for Grades 7 and 8 |  |
Representative During the 39th Councilwide Camp of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines at the Energy Park, Apokon, Tagum City |  |
Attendance to Project WATCH Kick Off Activity of Anibongan NHS |  |
Conduct of Ocular Inspection in New Visayas National High School, New Visayas, Maco, Davao de Oro |  |
Virtual Orientation on the Checking of Answer Sheet via Zipgrade |  |
Attendance to the Comval Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners Meeting and Oath-Taking Ceremony |  |
Attendance to the Training on Disease Surveillance and Specimen Management |  |
Corrigendum to Division Memorandum – Division Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting |  |
Attendance to the Comval Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners Meeting |  |
Member of the Technical Working Group for the Awarding of Special Orders to the Newly Established Public Schools |  |
Submission of Written Explanation for Non-Compliant Schools | |
Conduct of Validation of the Private School Application for Government Permit to Operate Private School at Pantukan Christian Baptist School | |
Online Conference with the members of the TWG Re: The Awarding of the Special Orders | |
Crafting of Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) per Program | |
Addendum to the Unnumbered Division memorandum Dated January 27, 2023 (Division PRAISE Committee Meeting) | |
Division PRAISE Committee Meeting | |
Follow-Up Virtual Conference for the Conduct of National Achievement Test (NAT) for Grade 12 | |
Postponement of the Awarding Ceremony of Newly Established / Approved Public Schools Stand Alone Senior High School and Additional Senior High School Offerings | |
Conduct of the 19th National Consultative Conference for Regional ALS Focal Persons and Selected DepEd Officials | |
New Schedule of the Launching of the Online Application System on DepEd Region XI (OAS-DepEd RO XI) | |
Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 1102, S. 2022 Re: Year-End Programs Implementation Review of the School Governance and Operation Division (SGOD) Personnel | |
Special Conference | |
Attendance to the Comval Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners Year-End | |
Virtual Coordination Meeting re: Workshop and Information Sharing on the Technical Assistance and Strengthening of Program Implementation for SBM, CI, LAC, and W.A.T.C.H. | |
Orientation on Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (MEA-Program Implementation Review (PIR) Online System | |
ICO KPTEP Learning Series 4 – Session 7: Education and Climate Change: The Role of Education in the Fight Against Climate Change | |
Conduct of Technical Planning-Workshop Design and Equip the NEAP-SHA for Hyflex Instructions for Public School Teachers and School Heads | |
Participation in the Capacity Building Workshop on the Utilization of Digital Technology on the Delivery of Instruction for Special Program in Journalism (SPJ) | |
Changes to Division Memorandum No. 558, s. 2022 Re: 2022 Season 3 Principalympics | |
Conference with Personnel Who have Salary Deductions | |
Addendum to the Unnumbered Division Memorandum Dated August 25, 2022 (Division PRAISE Committee Meeting) |  |
On-Site Inspection of an Applicant for Private Senior High School Program |  |
Reiteration of DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2016, “Omnibus Policy on Kindergarten Education” |  |
Submission of Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR) Delivery Receipt (DR) and Property Transfer Report (PTR) |  |
Pandaigdigang Webinar-Worksyap sa Araling Panlipunan |  |
2-Day Division Capacity Building of SPED Coordinators and Teachers, Performance Implementation Review and Plan Adjustment (PIR-PA) for Special Education |  |
Addendum to the Unnumbered Division Memorandum Dated August 9, 2022 |  |
Conduct of the Local Stakeholders Convergence on Brigada Pagbasa Advocacy |  |
3rd Quarter In-Person Small Group Conference for Special Education Implementation |  |
Face to Face Orientation of Recipient Schools for the 2022 Program Support Fund for Special Education |  |
2022 Special Education (SPED) Program Support Fund |  |
Monitoring on the Delivery and Utilization of DCP Packages in Schools 2022 |  |
Attendance to the Comval Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners Meeting |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum – Division Training of Trainers on Induction Program for Beginning Teachers (IPBT) Modules among Elementary School Heads and Master Teachers |  |
Attendance to the Training on the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) for Substance Abuse-Curriculum 4 |  |
Regional Training for Filipino Sign Language (FSL) |  |
Training of Grade 5 and Senior High School Receiving Teachers on SPED Content and Pedagogy |  |
Attendance to Regional Consultation and Planning with Regional Education Development Plan (REDP) Committee 2023-2028 |  |
Conduct of On-site Inspection and Validation of the School Applying for Special Programs and Establishment / Conversion of Public School |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum – Reorientation on the National Quality Management System (NQMS) |  |
Provincial Local School Board (PLSB) Meeting |  |
Member of Provincial Nutrition Evaluation Team |  |
Roll-Out Orientation on the Utilization of Bridging Primer for Grade 2 and Other Various Activities for Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy |  |
Three-Day Live-In ALIVE Enhancement on Teaching Methodologies and ICT |  |
Conduct of 2nd Quarter Plan Adjustment and Postponement of SBM Validation Schedule on July 25, 2022 |  |
Roll-Out Orientation on the Utilization of Bridging Primer for Grade 2 and Other Various Activities for Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy |  |
Upskilling Teachers on Multigrade Instruction in the Last Mile Schools |  |
Addendum to the Division Memorandum No. 472, S. 2022 |  |
Reorientation on the National Quality Management System (NQMS) |  |
Mid-Year Evaluation, Review and Turn-Over of Duties & Responsibilities of Division Accounting Personnel |  |
Planning Conference for the Conduct of the Training on Addressing Literacy Behaviors |  |
Development of Regional Initiated Information Material for 2022 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) |  |
A Review of the Local Government in the Philippines from 1991 to 2021 |  |
Designation as Secretariat in the Division Management Committee (MANCOM) Meeting |  |
Planning Workshop – Focus Group Discussion of Bridging Activities for Kindergarten Learners |  |
Addendum to Unnumbered Division Memorandum Dated July 8, 2022 (Conduct of Bridging Activities for Kindergarten Learners) |  |
Conduct of Quality Assurance Content Validation of the Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) |  |
Conduct of Bridging Activities for Kindergarten Learners |  |
Upskilling of Supervisors on Inclusive Education |  |
Face to Face Planning Conference of Technical Working Team for Araling Panlipunan Training Enhancement and Balik Kasaysayan |  |
Submission of the Names of Administrative Officer II Assigned as In-charge of Human Resource Management and as a Property Custodian |  |
Attendance to the Regional Launch of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention, Reduction and Management of Marine Litter (NPOA-ML) |  |
Schedules of the Regional/Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (R/DMEA) for the 2nd Quarter |  |
Return of the Issued Laptops |  |
New Schedule of the 2-Day Live Out Capacity Building on the Calibrated School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA) to the Junior High School Implementing Units |  |
Onsite School Reporting on June 20-24, 2022 |  |
Requiring All District and School Property Custodians to be Present During the Conduct of Physical Inventory of Property Plant and Equipment |  |
ALIVE Teachers’ Meeting and Post Evaluation |  |
National Dancesport Championship 2022 Palarong Pambansa Limited Face-to-Face Competition |  |
Validation of the Proposed Policy on Distance Education for Learners with Disabilities |  |
Awarding of 2022 Regional Schools Press Conference (RSPC) Winners |  |
Online Registration for Computer Based – English Proficiency Test (CB-EPT) |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Unnumbered Memorandum on Planning and Budgeting Linkage Harmonization Activity |  |
Regional Training-Workshop on the Development of DepEd Region XI Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Part II |  |
DepEd EdTech Awards 2022 |  |
Attendance to the Virtual Meeting of the District/School Special Hardship Allowance In-charge |  |
Conduct of Solemn Rite of “Tear and Wear” Philippine Flag |  |
Regional Validation of the School Application for Establishment of a Public School and the Conversion of an Elementary School Into an Integrated School |  |
Conference of National Employees Union Officers |  |
Preparation for the Batch 1 Capacity Training on Comprehensive Sexuality |  |
Planning and Budgeting Linkage Harmonization Activity |  |
Call for Proposals for the FY 2023 Competitive Grants Program of the National Commission on Culture and the Arts (NCCA) |  |
Regional Training on Manipulation of Mathematics Laboratory Apparatus, Material, and Equipment |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 339, S. 2022 |  |
SPFL Batch 5 Teachers Trainee |  |
Regional Writeshop on the Development of Localized Multigrade Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) in Mathematics and Science Grades 1 to 3 |  |
Conduct of Regional School-Based Management (SBM) Validation |  |
Virtual Orientation on CB-NATG12 for SY 2021-2022 |  |
DepEd Computerization Program Writeshop |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 362, S. 2022 |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum – Facilitation Skills Training Cum Session Guide Writing Among Administrative Officers |  |
Conduct of Limited In-Person SBM Validation in Schools Located in Areas Without Internet Access |  |
Conduct of an Online Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for the Consultation on the Draft Teaching Overload Policy |  |
Member of the Division Packaging Team |  |
Facilitation Skills Training Cum Session Guide Writing Among Administrative Officers |  |
Participation in the Regional School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) Consultative Meeting and Preparation for the SBFP and BE Regional Awarding Ceremony |  |
Training on the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) for Substance Abuse – Curriculum 8: Media-Based Prevention Interventions |  |
National Training of Regional Core of Trainers for ALS Act and Its IRR-Speakers Bureau for Mindanao Cluster |  |
Participation in the Orientation Workshop for the Filipino Sign Language (FSL) Core Trainers |  |
Addendum to the Division Memorandum Re: 2022 Blended Regional Press Conference |  |
Division Packaging Team B Meeting for the 2022 Gawag CES Nomination |  |
Commendation to the National Entries and Winners of the Search for the Best Integration of FLICSM Self-Learning Modules |  |
Face to Face Planning Conference, Segment-4 Story Boarding and Data Gathering of DepEd Onse Season 3 |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 308, S. 2022 |  |
2022 Blended Regional Press Conference |  |
Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 318, S. 2022 Re: Online Registration via Project D.O.O.R.S.: Teacher Applicants to Take English Proficiency Test (EPT) |  |
Corrigendum to Division Memo No. 340, S-2022 |  |
3-Day Training-Workshop on Writing and Evaluating Contextualized Self-Learning Instructional Materials for Research and Elective Science Teachers of Special Science Class (SSC) and Science and Technology and Engineering (STE) Curriculum |  |
Pre-Monitoring on the Implementation of Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd Schedule |  |
Survey Questionnaires on K-10 Values Education Teachers’ Academic Qualifications and Teaching Effectiveness in the Philippines |  |
Regional Training on Manipulation of Science Laboratory Apparatus Materials, Equipment and Ensuring Safety in the Laboratories |  |
Orientation of Individual Contest Proctors on the Conduct of the 2022 Blended Regional Schools Press Conferences |  |
Regular Monthly Interfacing of District Mathematics Coordinators |  |
Participation in the Workshop on Planning and Program Implementation Review on Financial Grants to Private MADARIS |  |
Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 310, s.2022 (Establishment of Division and District Election Task Force for May 9, 2022 National and Local Elections) |  |
Postponement of SBM Validation |  |
Evaluation of Contextualization IPED Learning Resource Materials |  |
Attendance of the RAEL Production Team in the Planning Conference |  |
1st Quarter Adjustment of Plans |  |
Online Planning Conference of Technical Working Group (TWG) Relative to Training of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Virtual Awarding of Best Heroes Park |  |
Online Workshop on the Revision of Lesson Exemplar on Human Rights Integration in Araling Panlipunan 1-10 |  |
Reiteration of DepEd Official Statement Allowing Teachers Not to Report On-Site on May 2-13, 2022 |  |
Conduct of Training on the Stem Up to Step Up Programme for ALS Teachers-Batch 3 for Region XI |  |
Series of Planning Conferences for the Conduct of Virtual/Blended Regional Schools Press Conference |  |
Face-to-Face Project Monitoring, Evaluation and TA Provision of the Implementation of SBM, CI, LAC, W.A.T.C.H. of the Last Mile Schools |  |
Online Strategic Planning on the Preparation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education Training to Selected Non-Pilot Schools |  |
Online Conference Relative to Preparation of Academic Enhancement Training of MTB-MLE and Capacity Building on the Development of Workbook |  |
Attendance to the Virtual Meeting to the Compostela Valley Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners Meeting |  |
Conduct of Virtual Orientation on DepEd Partnerships Database System |  |
CVAPSSHI General Assembly 2 |  |
CVAPSSHI General Assembly 2 |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 216, S. 2022 |  |
DESO Technical Support Staff Refresher Training |  |
Regional Training on Developing Science Investigatory Project (SIP) with Robotics Integration |  |
Online Conference of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Pilot Schools Relative to CSE Portfolio for Quarter 1 |  |
Physical Disability Assessment with Hearing Testing |  |
Finalization Workshops of the Multi-Factored Assessment Tool (MFAT) |  |
Regional Orientation on the Pilot Implementation of the Induction Program for Beginning Teachers (IPBT) |  |
Addendum to the Division Memorandum No. 261, S. 2022 |  |
Strategic Planning on the Preparation of Content and Pedagogical Training for Teachers Teaching Araling Panlipunan |  |
Regional Orientation on the Pilot Implementation of the Induction Program for Beginning Teachers (IPBT) |  |
Submission of Quarter 4 Self-Learning Modules Situation Report School Year 2021-2022 |  |
Regional Conference in Indigenous Peoples Education (IPED) with the Division IPED Representative |  |
Monitoring and Evaluation of Schools and District Learning Resource Management |  |
Vacc2School Campaign: Ligtas na Bakuna, Para sa Balik-Eskwela! Round 2 |  |
Scholarship in DepEd a Roadmap to Career and Professional Development Forum |  |
Conduct of On-Site Inspection of the Donated Nutri Pan Equipment from ABS-CBN Kapamilya Foundation, Inc. |  |
Special Meeting of Division Payroll System Development Team |  |
Addendum to the Division Memorandum No. 163, S. 2022 |  |
Participation in the Workshop on Planning and Program Implementation Review (PPIR) on Madrasah Education Program (MEP) |  |
Conduct of On-site Inspection and Meeting with the Stakeholders |  |
Senior High School Primal Plus Digitization of Supplementary Learning Materials |  |
Online Enhancement Training on Teaching Mathematics and Science |  |
Policy Guidelines for the Provision of Learning Resources and Needed Devices and Equipment and Funding Relevant Activities for the Implementation of Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan |  |
Conduct of the Re-Run on the Virtual Teachers’ Training for Elementary English Teachers Relative to the Twenty (20) Educational Videos Aligned with the MELC Produced by the Security Bank Foundation, Inc. (SBFI) |  |
Amendments to DepEd Order No. 038, S. 2020 |  |
Face to Face Conference of Compostela Valley Araling Panlipunan Society Incorporated (CVAPSI) Officers and Representatives |  |
CVAPSSHI Officers Face-to-Face Meeting |  |
Conduct of Monitoring of Learning Support Aide’s in Dunong Tulong Program |  |
Virtual Planning Conference for the Orientation of Mentors on the Implementation of Program for Beginning Teachers Among All Administrative Officer II |  |
Additional Shooting Day of Team 3 for the Segment 3 of the Diri sa DepEd Onse Episode |  |
Planning Conference of Team 1 for the Segment 1 of the Diri sa DepEd Onse Episode |  |
Conduct of Monitoring and Provision of Technical Assistance in Preparation for the 2022 PISA Main Survey |  |
Submission of Quarterly Accomplishment Report on Adolescent Reproductive Health |  |
Addendum to the Division Memorandum Dated February 22, 2022 Re: Strategic Planning of MTB Coordinators and Writers for iDdo Read Module |  |
Strengthening Historical and Cultural Heritage Through Renovation of Schools’ Heroes Park |  |
Division Conference of Guidance Counselors’ Officers |  |
Special Online Meeting of Public Education Network (PEN) Recipient Schools |  |
Technical Working Group on SDO Office Improvement |  |
Conduct of “PAKIGHINABI” During the First Quarter of Calendar Year 2022 for the Basic Education Curriculum All Levels |  |
Face to Face Conference of Division Music and Visual Artists |  |
Member of the Division Packaging Team in Lieu of Kethelle I. Sajonia |  |
IEC Material for COVID-19 Vaccination |  |
Workshop on the Revision of K to 3 Curriculum Guides |  |
1st Quarter Wash in Schools (WinS) Program Consultative Meeting for CY 2022 |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Preparation for the Capacity Building of the Division Federation of Supreme Pupil/Student Government Officers, Members and Teacher-Advisers |  |
Validation and WinS Monitoring Program for SY 2021-2022 |  |
Focus Group Discussion of the Project EAGLE Implementing Schools |  |
Conduct of Re-Run of the Virtual Teachers’ Training for Elementary English Teachers Relative to the 20 Educational Videos Aligned with the MELCs |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Strategic Planning of MTB Coordinators and Writers for iDdO Read Project |  |
Conduct of Drill and Review to Improve Assessment in English, Science and Mathematics |  |
Regional Writeshop on Developing Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)-Like Test Questions for Teachers |  |
ASEAN Data Science Explorers (DSE) Free Enablement |  |
New Office Address of the National Police Commission Regional Office XI |  |
Endorsement of the e-talk Titled “Tanong ng Bayan: Safe ba ang COVID-19 Vaccine para sa mga Bata?” |  |
Orientation on the Implementation of the Web-based Monitoring System of the School MOOE Funds in Support to the SESP-ADB Loan Program |  |
Turn-over of Repaired School Building in Caraga Region |  |
WinS Validation Program for SY 2021-2022 |  |
Updated Datasets on Reported GSIS Premium Deficiencies Reconciliation |  |
Finalization of Project SINAMAY |  |
Convergence Meeting on Improving Assessment in English, Science and Mathematics |  |
Usapang Karunungan |  |
1st Virtual Division Management Committee (MANCOM) Meeting |  |
Special Conference |  |
Submission of School-Based Management (SBM) Level of Practice as of December 2021 |  |
DepEd Onse Cares “Brigada Eskwela sa Caraga” Implementation |  |
Conference Meeting |  |
Virtual Conference of EPP/TLE District Coordinator |  |
Virtual Conference of Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP) School Implementer Coordinator for School Year 2021-2022 and Division JDVP Task Force |  |
Virtual Presentation of 1st Quarter Adjustment Plan |  |
Approval for the Establishment or Conversion of Public Schools |  |
Division PRAISE Committee Meeting |  |
Online Conference of Compostela Valley Araling Panlipunan Society Incorporated (CVAPSI) Officers and Representatives |  |
Regional Quality Assurance of the SLMs for the Financial Literacy with Key Concept in Science and Mathematics |  |
Division Orientation-Workshop on the Utilization of Palm Recognition Biometric Device and Attendance Management System |  |
Orientation on Railway Station |  |
Regional Mathematics Virtual Summit 2021 Winners |  |
Virtual Forum on Omicron Variant |  |
Request on the Use of School Facilities |  |
The Use of Android-Based Electronic Self-Learning Modules and Digitization of Gamified Resources (Webinar Session #1) |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Conduct of Tahderriyah Monitoring and Evaluation for LGU Renewal |  |
Regional Seminar-Workshop on Positive Discipline and Cybersafety in the Classroom |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Technical Working Group (TWG) for the Capacity Building of the Division Federation of Supreme Pupil/Student Government Officers, Members and Teacher-Advisers |  |
Editing and Rendering of the Full-Length Introduction AVP of the Judges of Diri sa DepEd Onse Awards |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Suspension of Work and Disinfection of Workplace |  |
Recall of Approved Leave of Absence |  |
Officer-In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent |  |
Knowledge and Support Technical Assistance (KSTA) Project-EdTech Solutions for Last Mile Schools in COVID-19: Provision of Transistor Radios in Priority Divisions |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Online Orientation and Mass Registration to Learning Resource Portal |  |
Health Week Celebration 2021 Vegetable-Based Recipe Distribution |  |
Videos in Preparation for Face to Face Classes |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Officer-In-Charge of Office of the Schools Division Superintendent |  |
Conference of the Technical Working Group (TWG) for the 2021 Gawad Parangal |  |
Youth Formation Program Monitoring |  |
Division Executive Committee (DEXECOM) Meeting |  |
Orientation on the Reconciliation of the Reported GSIS Premium Deficiencies |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Webinar-Workshop on the Utilization of Online Applications in the Classroom Teaching-Learning Process |  |
Addendum to the Division Memorandum No. 641 s. 2021 (Volunteers to the National COVID-19 Vaccination Days) |  |
Conference with Schools Division Superintendent |  |
Coordination Meeting and Planning with Partners/Stakeholders |  |
Division Webinar-Workshop on the Utilization of Online Applications in the Classroom Teaching-Learning Process |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
2021 Year-End Program Implementation Evaluation and Mental Health Wellness of Youth Formation Program (YFP) Vis-A-Vis Reach Out and Teambuilding Activities |  |
Regional Training-Workshop on Strengthening the Yes-O on the Implementation of the SIGA Program |  |
Addendum on the Submission of the Vaccination Data of Learners |  |
Attendance to the Division Executive Committee (DEXECOM) Meeting |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Capability Building for the Technical Working Group and District Math Coordinators on the Implementation of the DDO Mathematics Enhancement Program |  |
Endorsement of International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Approach in Health (ISIAH) 2021 |  |
Additional Information on the Regional Mathematics Virtual Summit 2021 |  |
Invitation to the National Launch of IChoose #MalayaAkongMaging Campaign |  |
National Student Parliament 2021 Successful Student Parliamentarians |  |
Submission of Gender and Development (GAD) Plans and Budgets for Fiscal Year 2022 of Field Offices |  |
Face-to-Face Meeting with the PTA Board of Cabinuangan CES |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Weekly Google for Education Training Sessions for Teachers and Learners |  |
Official and Overall Result of the 2021 Division Virtual Mathematics Olympics |  |
Virtual Dry-Run and Additional Information on the Conduct of 10th ASEAN Competition (Division Level) |  |
Functional Division Presentation of Adjustment Plan |  |
Announcement on the Result of the 2021 Online Division Festival of Talents in Araling Panlipunan |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
3-Day Online Seminar Workshop for the Untrained Learning Resource Writers and Learning Resource Evaluators (LREs) Across Learning Areas on LR Processes |  |
Attendance to the Webinar on Holistic Stress Management for CCHRMP Members |  |
Year-End Performance Review of Division Accounting Personnel |  |
Self Learning Modules (SLMs) Ready for Pick Up Donated from Partners – Golden Pearl Printers and Forgems Marketing Co. Inc. |  |
Reminders in the Provision of Paper-Based Learning Resources Specifically the Self-Learning Modules |  |
Pag-IBIG Member with MPL Refundable under IISP |  |
Technical Working Group (TWG) for the Virtual Celebration of Division National Students’ Day 2021 |  |
Dry Run for the 2021 Division School-Based Management Congress |  |
Virtual Conference of JDVP School Implementers Coordinator |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under IISP |  |
Monitoring on the Utilization of DCP Packages in Schools |  |
Field Inspection Report and Recommendations for the Readiness of Schools for Pilot Implementation of Limited Face-to-Face Classes |  |
Dry Run for the 2021 Division School-Based Management Congress |  |
Invitation to the Flag Rites at the Five (Batch 1) Face-to-Face Pilot Schools |  |
Virtual Celebration of National Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims |  |
Addendum to Memorandum Dated November 11, 2021 Titled Virtual Celebration of National Students’ Day 2021 |  |
Conduct of Coaching and Cliniquing for the Division Qualifiers in the 2021 Regional Virtual Mathematics Summit |  |
Pag-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable under LEGACY |  |
PAG-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under LEGACY |  |
CID Face to Face Collaboration Meeting |  |
Virtual Celebration of National Students’ Day 2021 |  |
Recommended Programs, Projects and Activities of the Youth for Environment in Schools-Organization (YES-O) for SY 2021-2022 |  |
10th ASEAN Quiz Competition (Division Level) |  |
Conduct of Virtual Symposia on the 158th Birth Anniversary of Andres Bonifacio, 125th Anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal and Poster-Making Contest |  |
Orientation on the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan for the Pilot Implementation of Limited Face-to-Face Classes |  |
Attendance to the Virtual Energy Audit Orientation Relative to RA No. 11285 and the Virtual Energy Investment Information, Education, Communication (TEC) Campaign |  |
Conference with Schools Division Superintendent |  |
Online Orientation about the Guidelines on the Implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2021-2022 |  |
Call-up Meeting with Schools Division Superintendent |  |
Attendance of Selected Regional and Schools Division Offices Personnel to the Training-Workshop on the Development of DepEd Region XI Human Resource Information System (HRIS) |  |
PAG-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under Legacy (2nd Notice) |  |
Additional Information on the 2021 Virtual Division Math Olympics |  |
Preparation for the Conduct of Virtual Election on Division Federation of Supreme Pupil Government and Supreme Student Government |  |
Conduct of Virtual Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Campaigns Relative to RA No. 11285 |  |
Virtual Interfacing of DDO Master Teachers in Mathematics |  |
National Barkada Kontra Droga Convention |  |
Division Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP) Task Force |  |
Expand Teaching Practice Through App Smashing with Google |  |
PAG-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under Legacy (2nd Notice) |  |
PAG-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under Legacy (2nd Notice) |  |
PAG-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under Legacy |  |
Attendance to the Invitation from Apex Mining Co., Inc., Re: Stakeholders’ Planning and Consultation |  |
Consultative Conference with School Personnel and Selected Stakeholders of Cabinuangan Central Elementary School |  |
PAG-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under Legacy (2nd Notice) |  |
3rd Quarterly Online Meeting of District and Cluster ICT Coordinators for FY2021 |  |
Addendum to the Division Memorandum Re: 2021 Virtual Division Festival of Talents |  |
Project B.T.S. 2.0: A Balik Eskwela Digital Literacy Starter Pack |  |
Virtual Election Guidelines on Division Federation of Supreme Pupil Government and Supreme Student Government |  |
Participation in the Nestle Wellness Campus Program |  |
Virtual Interfacing on the Provision of Technical Assistance |  |
Level Up Synchronous Learning Through ClassPoint (Maximizing the Use of PowerPoint) |  |
Consultative Conference with School Personnel and Selected Stakeholders of Cabinuangan Central Elementary School |  |
2021 Virtual Division Math Olympics |  |
PAG-IBIG Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under Legacy (2nd Notice) |  |
Virtual Orientation on the Grant of Vacation Service Credits to Teachers SY 2020-2021 |  |
Regional Seminar-Workshop on Techniques and Strategies of Teaching Mathematics in the New Normal |  |
2021 Virtual Division Festival of Talents |  |
Pag-ibig Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under Legacy (2nd Notice) |  |
2021 Global Handwashing Day |  |
Maximizing the Use of DepEd TV and Other Learning Delivery Modalities |  |
Addendum to the Virtual Regional Training on Pen-pen Grading System to Elementary and Junior High School ICT Coordinators |  |
Workshop on the Crafting of Individual Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) Based on the Approved Self-Learning Modules and TV Episodes |  |
Virtual Community Engagement of Tribal Leaders and IPED District Coordinators |  |
Virtual Training-Workshop on the Utilization of Learning Activity Sheets |  |
Orientation on Counseling and Referral System for School Year 2021-2022 (DM-OUCI2021-359) |  |
Division Technical Working Group (TWG) for the Project B.T.S.: A Balik Eskwela Digital Literacy Starter Pack Live Event |  |
Addendum to Division Memorandum Dated September 15, 2021 Entitled Project B.T.S.: A Balik Eskwela Digital Literacy Starter pack |  |
Online Re-Orientation on the Utilization on Early Grade Reading Assessment Tool in MTB-MLE |  |
Virtual Orientation on Balik-Kasaysayan Program in the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum |  |
Webinar on Teacher’s Enhancement Seminar for Transformation (TEST) |  |
Adobe for Education Virtual Session for Qualified Teaching Personnel to Acquire Free Adobe Software Licenses |  |
Promoting Academic Honesty |  |
Additional “DepEd Teachers” Episodes for Quarter 4 of 2021 |  |
Virtual Monthly Interfacing of District Mathematics Coordinators |  |
Prize Packages for the Winners of the OUA Contests |  |
Online Orientation on the Distribution of Tablet Computers and its Peripherals to the Recipient Schools for the Implementation of Digital-Modular Approach |  |
Final Schedule of DepEd TV Awards 2021 |  |
Submission of Learning Resources Inventory Forms for Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 |  |
Creation of the Songwriting Composition Team for the Video Prefatories on Ecumenical Prayer of DepEd Region XI |  |
3rd Quarter 2021 Division Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) |  |
Video Recording of Ms. Lydia Morala’s Story for the SDO Davao de Oro Broadcasting on October 1, 2021 through Diri sa DepEd Onse |  |
Diri sa DepEd Onse Davao de Oro Writer to Interview Ms. Lydia Morala for Her Story to be Featured on Season 3 |  |
Addendum to the Unnumbered Memorandum dated September 15, 2021 Re: Capacity Building Program Monitoring and Evaluation (M and E) for Education Leaders of Region XI |  |
Online Planning Conference for the Technical Working Team and Resource Speakers for the Virtual Balik Kasaysayan Program Orientation |  |
Updates on the Implementation of RBI for SY 2021-2022 |  |
Conference of the Technical Working Group (TWG) for the 2021 GiGa v 1.0 Gintong Galing Parangal and Diri sa DepEd Onse Season 3 Episode 1 |  |
Composition of Resource Speakers and Technical Working Group on the Conduct of Virtual Training-Workshop for Araling Panlipunan and MTB-MLE |  |
Online Conference for District and Secondary School GAD (Gender and Development) Coordinators |  |
Technical Working Group (TWG) Coordination Meeting for the 2021 Division School Based Management Congress |  |
Additional Information on Contextualizing Assessment Across All Learning Areas |  |
Project B.T.S.: A Balik Eskwela Digital Literacy Starter Pack |  |
Global Climate Strike: Capacity Building on Climate Change and its Effect on Children’s Welfare |  |
Capacity Building Program Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) for Education Leaders Region XI |  |
Preparation for the National Teachers’ Day / World Teachers’ Day Celebration |  |
Conduct of Monitoring and Evaluation on the Implementation of MELCs of the Special Education and the Special Curricular Programs (SCPs) |  |
Invitation for a SPLAT-FREE K-12 Learning and School Management System with No Lock-in Contract |  |
3-Day Online Enhancement Training and Workshop on Moral Development and Teaching Approach for ESP |  |
Webinar Series 2021 for National Science Club Month (NSCM) for Teachers and Learners (September 2021) |  |
3-Day Virtual Division Training and Workshop on Strategies in Teaching TVL |  |
Participation to the Flag Raising Ceremony for the Opening of Classes |  |
2021 Virtual Regional Festival of Talents |  |
Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 421, s. 2021 Re: Virtual School Improvement Plan (SIP) Document Review |  |
Homeroom Class Organization Election |  |
Interim Guidelines for Student Government Elections for School Year 2021-2022 Under the New Normal |  |
Airing of DepEd TV Episodes on 06-11 September 2021 |  |
Unsung Sariling Bayani (USB) Short Film Competition |  |
General Orientation on Interim Guidelines on Student Government Elections for the SY 2021-2022 Under the New Normal |  |
Three-Day Orientation of Stakeholders in Preparation for Opening of Classes SY 2021-2022 |  |
Virtual Orientation-Training on the Early Grade Reading Assessment and Assessment Results Associated Teaching Activities (EGRA-ARATA) |  |
Pinoy Sports Heroes: The Ultimate Balik Eskwela Sportscon with Filipino Athletes on the Tokyo Olympics |  |
Regional Seminar-Workshop on Contextualizing Assessment Across All Learning Areas |  |
One Health Week Video Editing |  |
Call for Nomination for the 2021-2022 Southeast Asian Educational Innovation Awards |  |
Technical Working Group (TWG) for the 2021 Celebrations of National Teachers Month and World Teachers Day Virtual Kick-Off |  |
Schedule for the Release of Private School’s Permits, Certificate of Recognition or Certificate of Compliance in the Light of COVID-19 Pandemic |  |
3-Day Virtual Division Training and Workshop on Strategies in Teaching EPP/TLE Learning Area |  |
Online Planning Conference for District and Cluster Secondary Araling Panlipunan Coordinators |  |
Corrigendum to Division Memorandum for the Araling Panlipunan and MTB Elementary Teachers Virtual Training-Workshop on Curriculum Implementation Innovations Through Parallel Assessment in the New Normal |  |
Virtual Conference of EPP/TLE Virtual Training Workshop Speakers and TWG |  |
Grant of Service Credit and COC for the Conduct of the Quality Assurance of the Developed Learning Resources in Various Formats |  |
Call for Nomination for the 2021-2022 Southeast Asian Educational Innovation Awards |  |
Additional Information on the Conduct of Academic Enhancement to Non-Social Studies Major and Newly Hired Teachers |  |
Addendum to Unnumbered Division Memorandum Re: Conference for the National Teachers Month Celebration and World Teachers Day Kick-Off Program |  |
Conference for the National Teachers Month Celebration and World Teachers Day Kick-Off Program |  |
Conduct of Post Qualification & Evaluation |  |
Conference with SDS and ASDS |  |
Game-based Learning with the Use of Minecraft Education Edition and Other Game-based Platforms (August Edition of Mi-Tech Talk 2021) |  |
DepEd TV Program Grid Website |  |
GBF Teachstem Master’s Degree Scholarship Program |  |
Vegetable-Based Recipes Video |  |
SPLAT-Free K-12 Learning and School Management System with No Lock-In Contract |  |
Virtual Training-Workshop for Araling Panlipunan and MTB Elementary Teachers on Curriculum Implementation Innovations Through Parallel Assessment in the New Normal |  |
Virtual Training-Workshop for Araling Panlipunan Secondary Teachers on Curriculum Implementation Innovations Through Parallel Assessment in the New Normal |  |
Requiring All District and School Property Custodian to be Present During the Conduct of Physical Inventory of Property Plant and Equipment |  |
Survey on the Preferred Learning Modality for SY 2021-2022 |  |
Bidlisiw sa Gugma Reach Out Program |  |
Virtual Conference |  |
Virtual Conference |  |
Reconstitution of Division Committee Members for Evaluation of Applicants (Master Teacher Positions) |  |
Announcing the Second Virtual In-Service Training (VINSET) on 30 August to 03 September 2021 |  |
Medical Check-Up of the Special Education Hearing Impaired (SPED-HI) Learners in Davao City |  |
Addendum to Division Memo No. 392, s. 2021 |  |
Member of the Division Packaging Team in Lieu of Ritchell E. Cruz, Nancy D. Marzado and Mary Ann M. Gabisan |  |
Division PNPKI Orientation for District and Cluster ICT Coordinators |  |
National Virtual Orientation on the Implementation of Sports Club |  |
Call for Submission of Data on the Results of the Quarterly Summative Assessment in All Grade Levels |  |
Invitation from Institute of Leaders in Educational Advancement and Development (I.LEAD) for a Webinar-Workshop |  |
Extension of the Deadline for Submission of Entries to OUA Contests |  |
Regional Basic Orientation on IPED Program Implementation |  |
Online Orientation on the Utilization of Bridging Primer for Grade II |  |
Photoshoot for the Documentation of 2021 GiGa v. 1.0 Nominees |  |
Invitation to the Evaluation and Assessment on the Pilot Implementation of Face-to-Face Classes to GIDAs via Zoom App |  |
A Courtesy Visit and Short Interview of SILDAP-Southeastern Mindanao, Inc. |  |
Virtual Mass Training-Workshop on Fortifying Teaching Pedagogies and Other Innovative Teaching Strategies in Mathematics in the New Normal |  |
Request for Official Video and Written Messages from the Office of the Undersecretary for Administration (OUA) |  |
Medical Check-Up of the Special Education Hearing Impaired (SPED HI) Learners in Davao City |  |
Airing of DepEd TV Episodes on 02-07 August 2021 |  |
Virtual Conference of District SHS Academic and TVL Coordinators |  |
Training-Workshop on Contextualizing Least Mastered Competencies through Outdoor Learning Inquiry-Based Activities |  |
Development of Simplified Budget of Work of the Most Essential Learning Competencies in Mathematics for School Year 2021-2022 |  |
Search for the Most Outstanding School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) Implementers for SY 2020-2021 |  |
Attendance to the Regional Seminar Workshop on the Implementation of the Contextualization Curriculum Through the Most Relevant Alternative Delivery Modalities during the Pandemic and Beyond |  |
Grant of Service Credits to the volunteers of the Makabagong Kinabukasan, Kaalaman – MAKILALAM Project |  |
Online Workshop on Enhancement of Learning Delivery through the Self-Learning Modules in All Learning Areas Across Levels |  |
Workshop on the Conversion of Self-Learning Modules into Interactive Modules |  |
Conference Meeting |  |
Airing of DepEd TV Episodes on 19-24 July 2021 |  |
Online Forum on Classroom Assessment |  |
Division PRAISE Committee Meeting |  |
Orientation on the Revised DepEd People’s Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual of 2020 |  |
122nd Anniversary of the Historic Siege of Baler and 19th Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day Celebration |  |
Request Data for the School-Based Management Level 1, 2 and 3 of Practice and Last Miles Schools |  |
Request for the List of Local History Learning Resources |  |
National Qualifiers to the 9th National Performing Arts Festival Virtual Competition Phase One |  |
Airing of DepEd TV Episodes on 12-17 July 2021 |  |
Department of Energy Webinar: An Information, Education, and Communication Campaign on Renewable Energy, Basic Solar Photovoltaic Systems and Net-Metering Scheme |  |
2nd Quarterly Online Meeting of District and Cluster ICT Coordinators for FY2021 |  |
Validation of Global Citizenship Education (GCED) Lesson Exemplars |  |
2021 Brigada Eskwela Jingle, Audio Recording |  |
Request for Comments on the Draft DepEd Order on the Guidelines on the Promotion to Master Teacher Positions in the Senior High School |  |
Airing of DepEd TV Episodes on 05-10 July 2021 |  |
Virtual Conference of District EPP and TLE Coordinators |  |
Composition of the Members of the PRIME HRM Technical Working Group |  |
Placement of Region XI Under the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases |  |
Philippine Flag in Half-mask During the National Mourning on the Demise of Former President Benigno S. Aquino III |  |
Pag-ibig Fund Member with MPL Refundable Under Legacy |  |
Call for Writers for the Development Performance Tasks for Assessing 21st Century Skills Key Stage 2 (Phase 1) |  |
Philippine Identification (Phil IC) Cards as the Official Proof of Identity for Transaction with Government and Private Entities in Accordance to RA 11055 |  |
2021 Virtual Division Math Olympics |  |
Virtual Mass Training on the Development of TIMMS-like, Performance-based and Process-skills Assessment |  |
Orientation on the Application of Professional Development Programs and Courses for Teachers and School Leaders for Regional and Schools Division Offices Implementation |  |
Reiteration on Division Memorandum No. 203, s. 2021 entitled 4th National Competition on Storybook Writing |  |
Participation on the Conduct of Volunteer Teachers’ Briefing |  |
Conduct of Regional Training on Filipino Sign Language (ESL) for SPED and Receiving Teachers, Parents and Stakeholders |  |
Ensuring Compliance with the Required Health and Safety Protocols in the Conduct of Senior High School Work Immersion Programs or its DepEd Allowed Alternate Activities in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic |  |
Space Education Survey of the Philippine Space Agency |  |
Waiver for Press Release of Special Program in Foreign Language (SPFL) Korean Batch 4 Teacher Participants |  |
Preparation of Audio-Video Presentation for LAC Accomplishment |  |
Virtual Orientation Relative to COVID-19 Benefit Claims for Government Workers |  |
Schedule of the Release of Subsidy / Allowance Under the Bayanihan 2 Act Basic Education (BBE) Program to the Public School Learners |  |
Submission of District / School Initiated / Conducted Activities on Comprehensive Sexuality Education Implementation |  |
Orientation on the 1st DepEd Best Open Educational Resources (OERs) Contest |  |
Re-orientation on the Enhanced Recognition Evaluation Tool from the Central Office to Regional and Schools Division Offices for NEAP-R Implementation and Recognition Evaluation Committee (REC) Members |  |
Conduct of Virtual Symposium Relative to the Commemoration of the 123rd Independence Day |  |
Attendance to Virtual Regional Orientation on Plantilla for Teaching, Teaching Related and Non-teaching Personnel |  |
Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 261 s. 2021 Re: On-site Training and Inspection Conducted by Nutrition Center of the Philippines |  |
Workshop on the Development of Contextualized Learning Material in Science and Mathematics |  |
Amendment to Regional Memorandum 024, s. 2021 (Additional Requirements and Instruction for Private Learning Institutions with Recognized Status, Certificate Compliance, Applying for Government Permits and School Branch Including State / Local Universities and Colleges Offering Basic Education for SY 2021-2022) |  |
National Flag Day |  |
Division Packaging Team B Conference |  |
Attendance to Virtual Regional Training on Policy Briefs |  |
Division Executive Committee (DEXECOM) Virtual Meeting |  |
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools Monitoring Program for SY 2020-2021 |  |
Foreign Service Officer Examination Applications by the Department of Foreign Affairs |  |
Municipal Nutrition Coordinator Meeting |  |
EO No. 25, s. 2021, “An Order Requiring All National and Local Government Vehicle Including those Who Come in from Other Regions to Open their Windows, a Fraction, or Halfway Whichever is Convenient While in Transit” |  |
Virtual Consultative and Planning Conference of District ADM Coordinators |  |
Online National Orientation on the Utilization of Bridging Primer for Grade II |  |
Airing of DepEd TV Episodes on 24-29 May 2021 |  |
Airing of DepEd TV Episodes on 17-22 may 2021 |  |
Designation as Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM) Focal Person |  |
Submission of the Application for the Provision of Subsidies and Allowance to 74 Public Basic Education Student Bayanihan to Recover as One |  |
Monitoring of the District School Improvement Plan (SIP) Workshops cum School Monitoring and Plan Adjustment Orientation |  |
Support Extended to DepEd Teaches |  |
Airing of DepEd TV Episodes on 03-08 May 2021 |  |
Re-orientation of our Aflatoun Program |  |
Campaign on Viewership up to the School Level |  |
Attendance to Administrative Officer II, SHS Administrative Assistant II and Secondary HR-Designates Virtual Conference |  |
In the Observance of RAMADAN of Muslim Brethren |  |
Special Conference |  |
Special Coordination Meeting |  |
Bayanihan para sa Kalusugan – Kusina ng Kalinga Special Cases School Meeting |  |
Video Recording of Selected Schools for SDO Davao de Oro Broadcasting on April 30, 2021 through Diri sa DepEd Onse |  |
District Administrative Officer II and District HR-Designates Virtual Conference |  |
Cluster 2 New Venue of School Improvement Plan (SIP) Workshop cum School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA) Orientation |  |
1st Quarterly Meeting of District and Cluster ICT Coordinators for FY2021 |  |
Designation of District Learning Area Coordinators |  |
PHILGEPS Training for Phase 1 |  |
Regional Enhancement Training in Music for Elementary Teachers |  |
Online Field Validation of Supplementary Materials for Senior High School (SHS) |  |
Request for Assistance in Facilitating and/or Expediting the Coordination and Collection of Form 137 |  |
Learning Resource Team Evaluation on IPED Learning Materials Submitted in the Division Learning Resource Management Development Center (LRMDC) |  |
Keep Moving Together School Caravan |  |
Webinar Series for Grade 12 Students on Work Immersion Subject |  |
Online Information Sharing on Upskilling the Technical Assistance Mechanisms, Tools and Processes for the Professional Development of Teachers |  |
Requirements for Activities that Requires the Participation of the Regional Director or the Assistant Regional Director |  |
Request to Accomplish the Survey on the Project: Fostering Greater Understanding, Tolerance, and Sense of Regional Agenda among the Peoples of ASEAN |  |
Submission of the Original Copy of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Certificate of Incorporation and the Articles of Incorporations |  |
Information Sharing on the Upskilling the Technical Assistance Mechanisms, Tools and Processes for the Professional Development of Teachers |  |
Rescheduled Date of the SPFL – Japanese enTrée Summer Training 2021 on Nihongo for High School Classroom Instruction (Batch 5) |  |
International Training on Improving the Teaching and Learning Process through Educational Measurement and Evaluation |  |
Distribution of Personal Financial Management (PFM) Trainer’s Guidebook to PFM Trainers |  |
Brown Bag Session on the Profiling of Pilot Schools for Face to Face Classes |  |
Monitoring of SBM Operationalization in Schools |  |
Dual Designation as Administrative Officer II and Administrative Assistant II and III |  |
Profiling of Pilot Schools |  |
Special Disbursing Officer in the Administrative Office, Cashier Section |  |
Addendum to the Division Memorandum No. 093 s. 2021, Invitation to Participate in the Mangrove Tree Planting and Coastal Cleanup in Response to Climate Change |  |
Stress Debriefing Activity |  |
Conduct of the Virtual Symposia on the 170th Birth Anniversary of Paciano Rizal and 152nd Birth Anniversary of Emilio Aguinaldo |  |
Regional Training on the Adoption of the K to 12 Transition Curriculum for Learners with Disabilities |  |
Information on the Development, Printing, Distribution and Utilization of Self-Learning Modules and Other Supplementary Learning Resources for Quarters 3 and 4 |  |
In-Charge/Focal Person of Data Profiling for the 2018 Principal’s Takers Needing Technical Assistance and the Management |  |
Regional Seminar-Workshop on the Support to Operation for the Implementation of ALS K to 12 BEC Curriculum for the CID Chiefs and Division ALS Focal Persons |  |
Girl Scout of the Philippines Regional Launching Bounce Up and Pasalamat Raffle |  |
Conduct of the Random Personnel Audit for SY 2020-2021 |  |
Changes on Division Memorandum Re: Monitoring of SBM Operationalization in Schools |  |
Changes on Division Memorandum Re: Monitoring of SBM Operationalization in Schools |  |
Reiteration of the Special Provisions on Private School Voluntary Closures and Participation in Government Assistance and Subsidies Program in the Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic |  |
SEA Fair 2021 |  |
Conduct of Orientation on Budget and Treasury Management System (BTMS) |  |
Division Executive Committee (DEXECOM) Virtual Meeting |  |
2nd Regional Matapat Virtual Symposium: Ensuring a Sustained Project W.A.T.C.H. Roadmap of Best Practice and Support to Local Initiatives |  |
Monitoring of SBM Operationalization in Schools |  |
14th Washington SyCip National Education Summit |  |
Validation on the Proposed Re-opening of Singapore Elementary School, Sitio Singapore, Barangay Anitapan, Mabini |  |
Learning Continuity Plan Template for All Private Schools Applying for the Renewal of Government Permit for SY 2020-2021 |  |
Temporary Assignment |  |
Reassignment of Administrative Assistants II and III |  |
Addendum to the Division Memorandum No. 039. series of 2021, Re: Designation as Officer-In-Charge, Office of the Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division, Department of Education, Division of Davao de Oro |  |
SEAMEO Regional Center for Education in Science and Mathematics |  |
Region-wide Virtual Workshop for the Enhanced Online Application System for Private Schools (OASPS) with Renewal Applications |  |
Search for the Most Innovative Teaching and Learning STEM Resources |  |
Conduct of Various International Competitions |  |
Submission of the Documentary Requirements for the Establishment of Maligaya Elementary School, Barangay Tagugpo, Pantukan |  |
Designation as Focal Person |  |
Attendance to the BIDA BAKUNATION, a Provincial Online Forum |  |
Submission of DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) FY2019 Documents |  |
Request of DACS Research Committee for Data on the Tracer Study on the Employability of Senior High School Graduates |  |
Publication of Vacant Positions in DepEd Regional Office XI |  |
Appreciation from the Civil Service Commission to All Civil Servants |  |
Guidelines on the Reconstituting of Inspectorate Team in the Department of Education Central Office, Regional and Schools Division Offices, and Schools |  |
Designation as Legislative Liaison Officer (LLO) of Davao de Oro Division |  |
Designation as Officer-In-Charge (OIC), Office of the School Principal, Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro |  |
Approving Officer for Requisition Issue Slip (RIS) and Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) |  |